Saturday 20 June 2009

Permanent State Of Abyss

Permanent State Of Abyss, originally uploaded by Fanboy30.

When you promise one of your best friends to make them beautiful you have to question what beauty is. As you will see from my images I have a dark undertone but this outlook doesn't stretch to life. For once I am totally happy with where I am right now with very little complaints.

My art has always been influenced by artists like H.R.Giger, slightly twisted and sinister with an essence of beauty.
I miss the days when I would pick up a pencil and sketch frantically the thoughts going around in my head. A simple confrontation at a grocery store or a snyde glance from a passing stranger on the street could spur off enough negativity to inspire a new picture. A lot of that I put down to being younger when you are angry at everything.


'Demons' paint/ink on paper 1992

Today I am more calmer but still have trouble taking a photo of something pretty in the picture book sense like flowers or a sunset. I can find beauty in moldy walls, flaky paint and derelict buildings, but then beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

In darkness there is always light or else we would never see anything?

1 comment:

  1. yes, in darkness there is always light...but most of the time, underneath that light, there's more darkness.
